Sunday, 27 September 2015

God of small things

For the past 6 hours except eating and responding to nature’s call what I did was to feel the taste of one exceptional outcome from Arundhati Roy – The God of Small Things. It was not a day when I would expect to finish the long pending novel because it was a week day and usually on these days I remain busy pressing keys in front of a dumb box. It became possible because I had to attend a tremendous boring seminar “VG Training day” where I had to do literally nothing.
So coming to the point without much transgressing, I would state that the novel was one of those kinds for which whatever praise you do, falls short for that. In a nutshell, Mrs. Roy circled the novel around a ‘one-egg twin’ – Esthappen and Rahel and their childhood. Let me not go into deeper of the content of the novel, rather I want to say about different aspects running in the background of “God of small things”.
In the novel the writer mainly highlighted the thinking methodology of a child. Many times we do not care for the thought process of younger ones. But those innocuous children also think wisely in their own way. Their quality analysis of events sometimes surpass the older ones. The viewpoints of those twin like “Everything that counts, counts.” or “It is best to be prepared to be prepared.” or “Anything can happen to anyone.” were much thought provoking.

Another thing which struck me very much in the novel is the character of Velutha. He has been depicted as a lower class boy whose passion is hand crafting. He has been portrayed as a solid and rigid character who can overwhelm anybody with his charm. In the later part of the novel author pictured Velutha as true “God of small things”. Undoubtedly he is the “God of loss, god of small things”.

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