Is it better to enjoy your money
when you earn it or is it better to save your money for some time in future?
When people earn money then he
can do two things with that money – either he can spend all the earned money
towards enjoyment or he can spend the minimal amount and save the rest for
future. I would prefer to keep a balance between these two. Basically to me it
is better to follow little enjoyment and much saving when we are young and the
reverse when we grow old. There are several reasons behind this opinion.
First of all, when we are young,
we are full of energy. If we start enjoying too much, then definitely all the earned
money will drain out. There will be nothing left for future. Now, for future
money is indeed needed. Because, the fact that today we can earn does not
guarantee that this earning is permanent. So, to make survival sure for the
future, at younger age we should largely save the money we earn. On the other
hand, if we are old, there are very less to think for the future, unless we
think about posterity. But to me, old people should not restrict themselves
from enjoying the money they earn and should leave their next generation
Secondly, when we are young we
should also think for our family and their well beings. We should prepare for
their sudden illness, children’s education and so on. If we expend every penny
behind enjoyment, then we would have nothing or very little left to execute
those and we may face problem then. So, for that we should not expend
unnecessarily much for our enjoyment. At old age, children will mostly be adult
and they then can live their own. Moreover, children can take care of their
parents. So, that time, if we earn money then we should not hesitate for
Lastly, money is never all about
only enjoyment or saving. It is something bigger than that. There is a huge
part of society who cannot earn money as much as someone needs for livelihood. If
we think that we have much money for enjoyment, then for some moment we should
stop and thinking their situation, we should utilize some money towards them –
like donating in some trust etc. That may also be some sort of enjoyment, when
we will think that we are contributing toward the mankind.
So, in a nutshell, money should
be attempted to save as much as possible when the future seems to be wider
because nobody can tell what will happen tomorrow.
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